GRIT by Brit

A Blog by Brittani Rettig

Shorts Season Shape Up!


  • Workout: Shorts Season Shape Up by Brit
  • Duration: 45 min – 1 hr
  • Calories burned: 350-500
  • Focus: LEGS – Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, Calves

Commentary: It’s almost Summer – yeah buddy.  That means your thighs and booty are begging for public exposure, ha ha!  In all seriousness, I have an intense addiction to denim cut off shorts – pretty sure I wear them EVERY single day in this Texas heat.  That said, I do have to make sure to spend some extra time toning and tightening my leg muscles – specifically the booty, thighs and calves.  Here is a hardcore leg workout that I put together to help you tighten your tush and firm up your legs just in time for summer.  Do the workout 2-3 times per week for 4 weeks along with your moderate/high intensity cardio sessions and you should be ready to rock your booty shorts!    Enjoy 🙂

Instructions: This workout is a “super set”.  That means you will do each “SET” 3 times, then move on the to next set.  Between each set, jump rope or do jumping jacks for 1-2 minutes to keep your heart rate up!

Example: for Set 1, do the Squats then immediately do the Reverse Lunges.  Take a quick rest and then repeat 2 more times.  Once you have done the set 3 times, jump rope or do jumping jack s for 1-2 minutes.  Then move on to set 2.

Author: Brit

I'm a hard working boss babe entrepreneur who quit my long time corporate career to follow my passion and start my own business. Currently I own and operate 3 brick and mortar boutique fitness studios and an online virtual fitness studio called GRIT by Brit // GRIT Fitness. I created this blog in 2012 as a creative outlet to inspire women and share my personal journey building my own business, living a healthy lifestyle and now starting a family. I look forward to connecting and love you already!

2 thoughts on “Shorts Season Shape Up!

  1. Brilliant workout! If you do it early in the morning like I did, your body is a bit more stiff (especially your legs!), so it is a good idea to warm up with at least 5-10 minutes of cardio. I also added some reverse back-extensions (pausing and tightening the glutes at the top) to really ‘seal the deal’ on my bootie! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Your weekly resistance workout routine! 5 days, 5 unique workouts to work each specific muscle group | GRIT by Brit

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