GRIT by Brit

A Blog by Brittani Rettig


Clear Your Mind of Can’t

Happy Independence Day to my US blog followers!  I hope you enjoy  some rest, relaxation, quality time with the people you love and (of course) a good workout!  For those of you outside of the US, this blog post is also for you 🙂

On this day of freedom, remember that we are free in every capacity: emotionally, physically and spiritually!  So, relish in that fact.  Clear you mind of can’t.  Anything you want in life, anything you desire to experience, all of it, IS YOURS!  So, today, let’s accept our freedom.  Be grateful for it.  And let NOTHING hold us back from pursuing our dreams!

Let Freedom Ring!  xoxo, Brit

clear your mind

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Fit in 14 Days #OperationTahiti

Brandon has officially completed his GRIT by Brit #OperationTahiti plan.  In case you missed the plan, CLICK HERE to see the details and maybe even try it for yourself.  Today, Brandon sent me his final update and on his way to TAHITI!

He did an awesome job.  In his own words, here are his results…

  • I added 4 lbs to get to 167 lbs and feel good about that weight
  • Definitely feel like my core is much tighter and cut vs. when I started
  • I’m starting to see the definition and base of strength come back into my chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders vs. when I started
  • My legs hate me right now…definitely still sore and need to do more work on my quads and hamstrings going forward
  • On the cardio front, I have definitely noticed come improvement.  However, I still need to put in some more work to get to where I want to be.  This will be a never ending battle.  Us former track sprinters always hated the distance folks, right?
In summary, this last two weeks has been awesome.  Mad props to you (Brit) for putting together a fun workout plan that got me back in the gym regularly and to be more conscious about what I ate and drank.  The plan also helped me get through a hectic period of travel, accepting an offer for a new job, and closing an offer on a new apartment in LA — it’s been a crazy two weeks, haha.  I am looking forward to keeping up this schedule and infusing it with some of my old workout routines from college.
Thanks, Brit!  Now, off to Tahiti…



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#OperationBeachBody Series Starts Now! Hardcore Leg Workout with Lavon

opbeachbod with lavon

Hey gang!  I’m starting a new series on GRIT by Brit to get you right and tight for the summer #OperationBeachBody!  Every few days I’ll feature a specially designed workout specifically made to get you ready for the beach!

Our first #OperationBeachBody workout comes from my friend, Lavon Washington!  Like me, Lavon (pictured below) is native Texan who recently moved to New York City.  His passion for fitness and wellness started by playing sports when he was really young and continued as a he was college football player.  Now, Lavon competes in body building competitions and does a little fitness modeling as a side hustle to his full time Mergers & Acquisitions career.  Above is the fierce leg workout that he did earlier this week and was kind enough to share with us.  Try it for yourself to get ready for short shorts this summer!


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Cardio + Abs = Six Pack by Summer: Free 10 Minute Workout Video!

Hey hey!  Here’s a new workout video I made last weekend.  It is intense!  If you want a 10 minute cardio and abs workout, search no more.   Expect to burn ~200 calories and for your abs to be on FIRE!  Below is the description of the the workout in case you want to do it on your own without watching the YouTube video.  Hope you like and hope you SWEAT!

Lots of luv, Brit 🙂

GRIT by Brit cardio abs


Spring in to Shape! 10 min Total Body Toning Workout Video

spring_into_shapeHappy 1st day of Spring!  Here’s a new YouTube video that I shot last weekend.  I choreographed the exercises to some of my favorite jamz to get you pumped up and excited for Spring.

The workout lasts exactly 10 minutes.  Expect to burn ~70-100 calories and really tighten your core, arms and legs.  Hope you like it!


CARDIO Killer!


(above – me teaching TurboKick, the ultimate cardio workout!)

Hi my name is Brit and I’m a cardio junkie…

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all about pumpin’ iron (lifting weights) and vinyasa flowin’ (yoga), but if push comes to shove I ALWAYS go for cardio!  Just 10-15 minutes of brisk walking, jumping jacks, high knee running and/or jumping rope does so much for my body.  Cardio exercise is my workout of choice and here’s why…

  1. Fast Results – If I’m trying drop a few pounds, cardio workouts allow me to reach my goal faster!
  2. Max Calorie Burn – Simply put, 1 hour of cardio burns ~600 calories while 1 hour of yoga/pilates burns ~300 calories
  3. Sweat Out the Toxins – Afer 30 minutes of moving I’m dripping in sweat, feeling detoxed and enjoying my glowing skin!
  4. Larger Lung Capacity – The harder I push myself, the harder it is to breathe and the stronger my lungs become.
  5. Strong Heart – Cardio workouts quickly elevate my heart rate allowing me to strengthen the most important muscle in my body – my HEART!
  6. More Energy – Compared to other forms of exercise, cardio requires the most vigorous amount of movement which energizes my mind, body and soul 😉

Most people think that cardio means you have to be on a boring machine casually walking, cycling or rowing.   However, there’s lots of fun cardio options like kickboxing, dance and athletic drills.  Here’s a 15 minute home cardio workout that I like to do if I’m running low on time.  Don’t forget you can also do the GRIT by Brit Ultimate Body Burn DVD for a 30 minute total body burn 😉

15 Min Cardio Fix

And just for a little extra workout motivation, here’s a picture of 1 of my favorite workout tank tops that always get me pumped for some cardio! Kiss my sweat #GRIT



Wednesday Workout: BACK it Up!


(above – me showin’ off my back in my new Lululemon racer back tank)

If you’re looking for a new “Wednesday Workout,” I highly encourage you to build your BACK!  A strong back improves posture and gives you more definition through your neck and shoulders.  Also, the nice ‘V’ shape makes your waistline look smaller 😉

As a woman, I often neglected back workouts and focused on my abs and legs during weight training.  However, I’ve found that working my back muscles is very effective for weight management because the muscles are BIG and require lots of energy (thus burn a lot of calories).  Also, a toned back in a racer back dress is just as, if not more, sexy than nice legs in daisy dukes.  So give it a whirl today, people.  This workout should take you about 30 minutes to complete and you can expect to burn ~200 calories – enjoy!

tumblr_mf5u1rNXuC1rhnzcto1_r3_500BACK it Up!


Brit’s Booty Builder

The good Lord didn’t see it fit to bless Brit with a booty…but it’s all good!

So yesterday I was chatting with one of my male buddies who asked, “Brit, why are you making booty BURN workouts? I think you should make booty BUILD workouts. Honestly, I appreciate a sizable behind!”

This got me thinking, we all have different “ideal” body preferences, which is a good thing. After all, variety is the spice of life! If you are like me and not naturally blessed with a “bangin’ booty” here is a workout that can help us get some nice firm, junk in our trunks. We’ll also build lower body strength and burn a lot of calories in the process – enjoy 🙂

  • Workout name: Brit’s Booty Builder
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Focus: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings
  • Calories burned: 200-250
  • Equipment needed: 2 heavy dumbbells/hand weights
  • Instructions: I’ve included some vidoes below to demo the exercises that may be confusing

Hamstring Curls

Plyo Lunges

Bridge Pulses


Wednesday Workout: Sweat, Tone, Sweat!

Good morning everyone!  Here’s your Wednesday Workout.  I tested this bad boy on Monday night and it’s definitely GRIT by Brit worthy.  The workout requires a stationary bike and 2 light hand weights.  The key is to stay on the bike and cycle for the entire duration of the workout.  It takes about 1 hour to complete and you can expect to burn 500-700 calories.  You can also expect to sculpt some lean sexy arms in the process.  Try it out and let me know how it goes.  Lots of luv, Brit 🙂


Thursday Thigh Burn

YO YO YO – Here is the workout I just completed this morning. I threw some new exercises in, so if you get confused, below are some pictures of me doing them to guide you.  The total workout should take you about 30 minutes and you can expect to burn ~300 calories in the process.

Only 3 words can describe my Thursday Thigh Burn = BOOTY ON FIRE!

Try it for yourself and let me know how it goes.

CHOOSE to have a great day 🙂